Assuming, of course, you read this after midnight.
So it’s finally over then? And what a way to go. An extreme weather endurance test in front of what looked – and sounded – like 300 miserable Brummies.
What a niggardly way to snatch the plaudits from a side so rich in spirit.
If tonight’s lead balloon of a cup match ultimately proves to be the turning point in this season of courage and mystery it will be a rich tale of injustice.
But in our defence, the FA Cup doesn’t really count. Does it? We fielded a weakened side against the form club of the Premier League and still raked enough opportunities to snatch a win.
What’s more, some of those fringe players didn’t look so shabby after all. Ok, Luke ‘Captain Sensible’ Chambers conceded 500 throw-ins with panic clearances, and David McGoldrick resumed his million (Zimbabwean) dollar finishing.
But in the most part we more than held our own. James Perch looked better than I ever remember him being with an all-action display, Garath McCleary was all over them like a sneeze, and Big Deal had no quibbles when it came to demolishing top rank defenders.
Joe Hart was their sponsors’ man of the match (sponsor of the sponsors’ man of the match sponsor was Tesco, by the way).
Perhaps the only real concern, other than the fact that we have (sort of) lost our unbeaten run, is the ability of the side to cope without Paul McKenna.
Guy Moussi did a noble job of marshalling the park with his elasticised legs, but when he left the field our decorous triangles soon became a distant memory.
Scraps for the wingers and shovel-loads for Adebola were the paltry alternative.
But let’s not busy ourselves with these fears just yet. After all, McKenna will be back, Moussi is fit, Majewski was on the bench. Blackstock, Earnshaw, Shorey and of course Arron Davies weren’t even involved.
Saturday’s game is what matters. Tonight’s technical glitch doesn’t count because only 300 miserable Brummies came to see it.
So keep your voices down, stay firmly inside your lucky boxer shorts and get to the City Ground on Saturday.
We’re Nottingham Forest, unbeaten away.
RIB (Ratings in Brief)
Camp – 7
Perch – 7.5
Chambers – 7
Morgan – 7.5
Cohen – 7
McCleary – 7.5
Moussi – 8
McGugan – 7
Tyson – 6.5
Adebola – 7
McGoldrick – 6.5